Make a Reservation

School Booking or Large Group

Large Group Booking

If you have a large group coming (30+ people), please book your event so that we can gauge occupancy and not over-crowd. Groups of 30+ people (paid guests), may book outside of posted hours of operation for private and semi private events. There are picnic tables in the main yard for all patrons to use. Feel free to bring outside food and drinks in for a picnic. Snacks, drinks, in season fruits and veggies, and of course, ice cream!!! are available at the market. If you require a formal seating area under the gazebo, please go back and use the other event booking option for the table area.

Congrats, you are the first! There are no reservations yet for this item.

Please review the availability calendar on this page to find a date.

Minimum of 30 paid guests is required for times outside regular open hours.

Deposit details