Frequently Asked Questions

Covid-19 Rules

Don-O-Ray Farm Adventure follows all Provincial restrictions made by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) under the Public Health Act.


  • If you are sick or unwell, BE RESPECTFUL and do not enter the farm.
  • Masks are not required, but encouraged.
  • Social distancing is encouraged. Be respectful of peoples personal space.
  • Proof of Vaccination is NOT required or checked.
  • No contact tracing performed.

We will try to stay on top of this ever changing nightmare! Our staff and customers safety is our paramount concern.


Reservations are for reserving the Gazebo event tables area. We do not charge extra for reserving these tables. A $20 dollar deposit is required to hold a table reservation. The deposit will be applied towards your gate admission when you arrive. If you cancel or no show, the deposit will not be refunded. Deposits are non refundable.

We have seating for up to 30 people for events. They are reserved on a first come first served. Please check the calendar for availability. We currently only have two reserve times; 10am-12:30pm and 1pm-5pm. If you no longer require a table prior to your booked time, please contact us so that we may remove the reservation and make it available for someone else. 

Season Passes

A Season Pass is per individual. It can NOT be shared between two people or transferred to another person.

The Season Pass is valid during our regular season that runs from Friday of the May Long Weekend to the end of September. It does not cover our Halloween Special event in October. Season Passes were first created to give back to locals that visit and support our farm on a regular basis. It's our way of saying thank you!

If you visit the farm 4 or more times in one season, then the season pass is definitely the cheaper way to go! With the season pass, you can come and go throughout the season as many times as you would like, and come for a short or long visit. It's great for just popping in to say "Hi" to the bunnies.

Wheel Chair Accessible

Most areas of the farm adventure are wheel chair accessible with ramps and hard packed paths. We are constantly improving the farm to make it more and more accessible. We welcome feed back on creative ways to make the farm more accessible.


If the disabled person has an Access2 Card, a physical card must be presented and then the support person will be allowed free access to the petting zoo when the disabled person pays an admission fee. If the disabled person doesn't pay due to being age 2 or under, the Access card can not be used.


Free Parking is provided. When entering the parking lot from the road, please try to park on the right side of parking lot, away from the market. This allows shoppers for the market only to easily load their vehicles with produce. THANK YOU in advance!

Age Requirements

Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by older responsible person (age 10 and above). We have found that young children enjoy the farm a lot more when parents and/or grandparents join them in the fun! 

Food for the Animals

Don-O-Ray Farm Adventure provides food for feeding the animals free of charge. Please DO NOT bring outside food into the farm for the animals. When feeding the animals, please only feed small quantities to each animal. With hundreds of visitors a day, it doesn't take long for the animals to become full. Then no-one gets to feed them from that point on. It's better for the animals if they can eat small amounts throughout the day. Please obey the feeding signs. The food is located in grey plastic bins. Let us know if the food runs out and we will add more to the bin. We do not over fill the bins with food, because not everyone follows the rules and will feed the entire bin of food to the animal all at once... auuugh!

Outside Human Food

We welcome you to bring a picnic basket with food and drinks. You may also go to the market and buy food, drinks and ice cream and bring it back into the farm adventure. Sorry, no alcoholic beverages are allowed during hours we are open to the public.

Picnic Tables and Seating

There are several picnic tables and chairs placed throughout the farm and available to be used by patrons of the farm adventure. Please cleanup after yourself if using the tables so that the next person doesn't have to clean up after you. As helpful and nice as our staff are, they are not there to clean up after you! The tables and chairs are provided as a convenience. 

Weekends tend to be busier and as a result the tables may all be in use. You are always welcome to bring a picnic blanket and set it out on the lawn.

No outside animals allowed

We do not allow outside animals/pets into the farm adventure. So please leave them at home. Leaving them in your car while visiting the farm makes some of our patrons extremely angry, that they have called the SPCA or demanded that we break into the vehicle to free the pet... even when it wasn't hot out! It's best to leave your pets at home. Service-Dog Policy & Entry Form must be filled out prior to entry into the farm. It is recommended to fill out the form prior to visiting the farm to avoid delays and confusion ESPECIALLY if you dog is denied entry for one of the reasons In the Service-Dog Policy.  SERVICE-DOG POLICY & ENTRY FORM DOWNLOAD

We are NOT a rescue shelter

We do not accept animals into our farm. Rescue animals many times are not suited for the petting zoo. They usually have issues with people and the sheer number of visitors is over-whelming for them. We have found that it is not a good fit. The SPCA is better suited as a rescue shelter.


There is a portable wheelchair accessible washroom located in the Farm Adventure beside the Tattoo Shop close to the gravel parking lot. Full washroom is located inside the market, just inside the entrance (turn right). We have plans for constructing a new washroom building inside the farm adventure soon.